
Chongqing Dazu mingchuang Agricultural Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd
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Parts adjustment of micro cultivator manufacturers after application
Source:www.52867.cn Release time:2021/11/13 11:13:27
    Powered by small diesel engine or gasoline engine, micro cultivator has the characteristics of light weight, small volume and simple structure. Equipped with corresponding machines and tools, it can carry out water pumping, power generation, pesticide spraying, spraying and other operations, and can also tow trailers for short-distance transportation. The micro cultivator can exercise freely in the field, which is convenient for users to use and deposit. It saves the trouble that large agricultural machinery cannot enter mountainous fields. It is a choice for farmers and customers to replace cattle farming.
    After the operation of the micro cultivator, the necessary fastening and component adjustment shall be carried out in time. After the micro cultivator is used in many places for a period of time, the gap of some parts will increase, and the user shall make the necessary adjustment himself. The concentrator, reverse gear, accelerator and steering of some micro cultivators are operated by pull wires, which are slightly deformed and elongated, so they should be adjusted in time by adjusting screws. In addition, the first shaft, the second shaft and the two pairs of bevel gears of the gear box will produce a certain gap after being used for a period of time. The first shaft and the second shaft are adjusted by tightening the rear end screws, and the two groups of bevel gears are adjusted by adding Steel Gaskets. Micro tiller is a small power mechanical equipment that mainly uses diesel or gasoline as fuel. You need to refuel when you use it for a long time. When you refuel the micro tiller, you should be careful not to overfill it.
    Diesel tank: after the engine is operated, the diesel will be heated and expanded, coupled with mechanical vibration. If the fuel tank is filled too full, the diesel will overflow from the fuel tank cover, which will not only waste fuel, but also cause fire. Therefore, it is appropriate to add 90% of the tank volume.
    Oil pan: when too much oil is added in the oil pan, the oil will enter the incineration chamber for incineration, which not only increases the oil consumption, but also briefly causes flying accidents. In addition, too much oil will increase the movement resistance of connecting rod and crankshaft and increase power loss. Therefore, the oil in the oil pan should be added between the upper and lower scribed lines of the oil dipstick.
    Air filter: the oil in the oil pan of the oil bath air filter shall be added to the scribed line. If it is added too much, the oil will be sucked into the cylinder for incineration, which will briefly form carbon deposition and cause flying accidents.
    Cooling water pump bearing: do not add too much oil in the water pump bearing, otherwise the bearing conflict resistance will be increased, and the water pump and oil seal will be damaged prematurely.
    The micro cultivator is used for rotary tillage, ditching, sowing, fertilizing, soil cultivation and replacement of machines and tools in fields, hills, slopes, mountains, fruit orchards, greenhouses, sugarcane fields, cotton and corn fields. It can carry out field operations such as spraying medicine and pumping water.

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