
Chongqing Dazu mingchuang Agricultural Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd
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  1. How to maintain Chongqing micro cultivator when it is parked for a long time


    The structure of the micro tillage machine includes a frame, an adjustable height handrail, a diesel engine or gasoline engine, a driving wheel and a tillage tool.

  2. When using micro cultivator, it should be used according to its performance and technical indexes


    Micro cultivators are widely used. There are four main reasons for being welcomed by users: first, the farmland power can meet the operation needs.

  3. "Three senses" identification method of micro cultivator accessories


    Micro tiller is a small power machine for small plots such as greenhouse and countryside. It has the characteristics of small volume

  4. Selection criteria and suggestions of knife set of Chongqing micro cultivator


    The knife group of micro tillage machine mainly includes deep tillage knife, dry land tillage knife, wetland machete and compound machete.

  5. Defect discrimination and cleaning method of micro cultivator accessories


    Micro tillage machine is suitable for weeding, fertilizing and planting corn in wheat field. Based on the idea of basing itself on the countryside,

  6. Five parts of Chongqing micro cultivator must be protected


    Chongqing micro tiller is a small machine dedicated to farmland cultivation. The machine is small and easy to operate.

  7. Parts adjustment of micro cultivator manufacturers after application


    Powered by small diesel engine or gasoline engine, micro cultivator has the characteristics of light weight, small volume and simple structure.

  8. How to avoid damage of micro cultivator due to operation problems


    The micro cultivator can play different operation power by replacing different operation parts on the general frame

  9. Differences between micro cultivator and general pastoral management machine


    The micro cultivator is specially planned for orchard, vegetable field, greenhouse, hilly slope land and small plots (water and dry land) based on the vast hills and mountainous areas,

  10. Buy micro cultivator, choose diesel engine or gasoline engine


    Some people buy micro cultivators and only choose diesel, while others only choose gasoline. Is diesel micro cultivators good or gasoline micro cultivators good?

  11. How to identify fake and shoddy micro tillage machinery and its accessories


    The process of identifying fake and shoddy micro tillage machinery is messy. Users need to be patient and adopt useful methods to buy carefully.

  12. Operation key of Chongqing micro cultivator in Greenhouse


    Chongqing micro cultivator is also called micro cultivator, pastoral management machine. It belongs to tractor variation and has unique operation mode and structural characteristics.

  13. Precautions for using reverse gear of micro cultivator


    As a new type of agricultural machinery, micro tillage machine is being borne by a wide range of farmers.

Product center
Micro cultivator
Tool accessories
Diesel engine parts
Chassis accessories
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