
Chongqing Dazu mingchuang Agricultural Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd
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When using micro cultivator, it should be used according to its performance and technical indexes
Source:www.52867.cn Release time:2021/11/13 11:13:27
    1、 Application of micro cultivator
    (1) Micro cultivators are widely used. There are four main reasons for being welcomed by users: first, the farmland power can meet the operation needs. The design of the machine in length and height is reasonable and suitable for personnel control, especially its sensitivity when turning. Second, the launching power is low and it is easy to start. Third, the fuselage is bulky, not trapped in low-lying and steep slopes, and the operator is sensitive. Fourth, the price is cheap, coupled with subsidies and preferential policies.
    (2) Micro tillage machine is suitable for weeding, fertilization and planting corn in wheat field.
    (3) Micro cultivator has many advantages in application.
    1. Structure: compact structure, light weight, small volume, simple structure, easy operation, easy maintenance, stable and reliable operation, long service life, low fuel consumption and high consumption efficiency.
    2. Power: mainly powered by diesel engine, with high reliability.
    3. Efficiency: good farming effect and high efficiency.
    4. Application: all kinds of farmland are widely applicable. All kinds of agricultural tools can be connected, which can change the traction force into the propulsion force. The operator handle can be adjusted 180 degrees to the left and right in the degree direction. Therefore, it can be used in plains, hillsides, orchards, vegetable greenhouses and gardens. It can also be connected with a variety of agricultural tools to complete a variety of operations. For example, ditching, soil cultivation, subsoiling, rotary tillage, ploughing, weeding, sowing, intercropping and fertilization, spraying, pumping and short-distance transportation are especially suitable for vast rural areas.
    5. Humanization: humanized design is strong. For example, the speed of the machine is reasonably designed according to the needs. It can meet the needs of different farming environments and operators
    2、 Problems found in the application of micro cultivator
    (1) Improper use of the machine. Farmers do not understand the performance of the machine enough, careless in the use, and do not operate according to the performance of the machine; Lack of knowledge in the use of agricultural machinery will cause damage to personnel and machines. For example, when there is water shortage in the starter, it leads to cylinder ablation and adhesion.
    (2) Farmers do not take care of machines or take care of them improperly. Farmers can't stop taking care of and maintaining the micro tiller on time. They don't wipe it when it's time to wipe it, don't change it when it's time to change the smooth oil, don't clean it when it's time to clean it, and don't stop taking care of themselves according to the instructions. They can take care of themselves as they want, resulting in poor smoothness, loose screws, rust corrosion at the connection point of the machine, and damage to parts after corrosion.
    (3) Machine consumption quality problems. Some machines have poor material quality, poor consumption technology and lack of shelf life, resulting in easy fracture, damage and corrosion of parts. The gears and connectors of micro cultivators consumed by individual consumer manufacturers are easy to be damaged, the filter element of gasoline engine is not good, and the igniter is not easy to start, etc.
    3、 Measures
    (1) Standard operating method.
    1. Do not overload operation for a long time. Any machine has its own characteristics, and so does the micro cultivator. When using the micro cultivator, it should be used according to its performance and technical indicators, and do not overload operation for a long time.
    2. Adjust all kinds of gaps in time according to the instructions in the instruction. When adjusting the gap, the strength should be appropriate and not too rigid.
    3. To understand the clarification, operate and apply it according to the clarification standards.
    4. In case of any noise, the operation shall be stopped immediately and repaired in time. If you don't understand, you shall find the after-sales service manufacturer for door-to-door service. If you can't understand, you shall dismantle it randomly. Be sure to clean up your problems before you start working.
    (2) Take good care of and maintain.
    1. Pay attention to taking care of themselves. During the operation, the screws of the machine body shall be tightened at random, the wiping and connection points shall be adjusted and coated with smooth oil. Try not to stop cleaning in rainy and humid weather to avoid serious corrosion.
    2. Be sure to have enough good quality fuel and smooth oil. Poor fuel quality leads to insufficient extinguishing, black smoke and lack of power. Local parts of the cylinder block are easy to wear. The poor quality of smooth oil makes the machine itself smooth and unsmooth, resulting in accelerated wear of various parts.
    3. Do not use water to cool the air cooler. This method causes the cylinder liner to shrink, resulting in cylinder pulling or ring breaking, and cylinder liner cracking.
    4. When sealing the partial cover gasket with sealant for overhaul or maintenance, the sealant shall be appropriate and shall not enter the gearbox. Prevent the sealant from blocking the oil inlet hole, so that the crankshaft and connecting rod cannot be smooth.
    (3) Strengthen quality supervision.
    1. Enhance pre-sales training and after-sales knowledge guidance. The sales manufacturer shall provide training and guidance for agricultural machinery users in stopping use, taking care of themselves, maintenance, etc.
    2. The competent department of agricultural machinery shall implement the access system for micro cultivators, set quality specifications, publish the inspection results, sales and after-sales service of micro cultivators, so that the purchase users can timely control the information and select the micro cultivators with qualified quality.
    (4) Preferential subsidies to eliminate backward. We should make full use of the purchase subsidy policy, do a good job in the selection and selection of micro cultivators, put the micro cultivator products with good quality, excellent performance and reasonable price into the subsidy catalogue, and eliminate the micro cultivator products with poor quality and poor service, so that enterprises can blindly improve the production quality and enhance after-sales service under the condition of market competition.
    (5) Enhance technical training. The agricultural machinery departments of all counties and districts shall strengthen the service awareness, deepen the publicity of the application, operation, maintenance and repair methods of micro tillage machines, monitor the enterprises to stop training users, and improve the operation technology of machine users.
    (6) Strengthen the tackling of key technologies of micro cultivator products. Urge enterprises to improve the quality status of micro tillage machines in safety, applicability and reliability, improve product consumption defects, improve operation efficiency and save energy consumption, develop multi-category supporting agricultural tools, and diversify supporting tools to comply with the general operation environment.

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