
Chongqing Dazu mingchuang Agricultural Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd
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How to maintain Chongqing micro cultivator when it is parked for a long time
Source:www.52867.cn Release time:2021/11/13 11:13:27
    The structure of the micro tillage machine includes a frame, an adjustable height handrail, a diesel engine or gasoline engine, a driving wheel and a tillage tool. It has good farming effect, high operation efficiency and wide application range; Micro cultivator has become a new favorite of farmers for its lightness, flexibility, multi-function and low price. It is an important force to ensure farmers' spring planting and autumn sowing. The working environment of micro cultivator is bad, so the maintenance is particularly important.
    During the operation of micro cultivator, due to the friction and vibration of parts and components, and the invasion of oil, mud and water, it is inevitable to cause the wear of parts and components; Therefore, pay attention to all aspects of maintenance in the structure of micro cultivator. The micro cultivator has small volume, light weight and exquisite spare parts. During the rest period, if it is not kept and maintained in time, it is easy to be damaged and deformed in case of wind, frost and rain, resulting in direct economic losses. The use of micro cultivator is seasonal, and the parking in slack season is often more than half a year. If the parking method is improper, it will also be damaged. The micro cultivator needs to be parked for a long time.
    1. Stop the engine after running at low speed for 5 minutes, drain the oil while the engine is hot and fill with new oil.
    2. Remove the filler plug on the cylinder head cover and add about 2 ml of engine oil.
    3. Press the decompression start handle and do not loosen it. Pull the recoil start pull rope for 5-6 times, then loosen the decompression handle and slowly pull the start pull rope until you feel great resistance.
    4. Drain the diesel oil from the diesel engine mailbox. The water-cooled diesel engine shall also be placed in the cooling water tank.
    5. Remove the sludge and weeds on the micro cultivator and cutting tools, and store the machine in a ventilated and dry place that is not exposed to the sun and rain.
    After autumn planting, first carefully clean the dirt, oil stain, weeds and other dirt on the surface of the micro cultivator, and check the fastening screws everywhere. Tighten the loose ones and make up the fallen ones; Check whether the oil pipe joints and seals leak oil and operate normally. If there are defects, repair them in time and clean the air filter. If there is too much gasoline in the fuel tank, part of it shall be discharged, but do not discharge it completely to prevent rust in the tin fuel tank. The micro cultivator and supporting plough and harrow farm tools shall be stored in a special warehouse during the rest period, and shall be checked and kept by a specially assigned person. The surrounding of the parking place shall be free of weeds and ponding to prevent indoor moisture return. The machines and tools shall be parked in order; The working parts shall be coated with waste engine oil, and the surface of the frame shall be sprayed with antirust paint to prevent the machines and tools from being corroded; Machines and tools shall be padded with moisture barrier to keep them off the ground.

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