
Chongqing Dazu mingchuang Agricultural Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd
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Defect discrimination and cleaning method of micro cultivator accessories
Source:www.52867.cn Release time:2021/11/13 11:13:27
    Micro tillage machine is suitable for weeding, fertilizing and planting corn in wheat field. Based on the idea of basing itself on the countryside, serving agriculture and farmers, the enterprise has been committed to the development of agricultural science and technology for a long time. There will be different problems in the application of micro cultivator accessories, so how to deal with these problems? Let's take a look at the defect discrimination and cleaning methods of the micro Cultivator:
    1、 Inspection and defect cleaning of micro cultivator's weakness
    1. Check whether the air filter is blocked. The cleaning method is to clean the filter
    2. Check whether the exhaust pipe is unblocked and remove the carbon deposit in case of serious blockage.
    3. Check whether the recommended engine oil can degenerate or become less, and the disposal method is to convert or make up the engine oil.
    4. Check whether the machine is tightened. The disposal method is to convert the piston ring.
    5. If it is a diesel engine, it is recommended to check whether the oil supply time and valve clearance are correct, and then stop the adjustment.
    6. If it is a gasoline engine, check whether the incineration advance angle meets the requirements and whether it is lean or rich.
    2、 It is suggested to check and clean the defects of machine non operation
    1. Check whether the fuel can be used up, assuming that the fuel should be made up in time.
    2. Check whether the proposed engine is started correctly and whether the engine pull plate can be used normally.
    3. Check whether the tightening condition of the proposed machine is good. The cleaning method is not to pull the decompression distribution rod and rotate it by hand to check the recoil force.
    4. If it is a diesel engine, check whether the fuel does not radiate. The cleaning method is to check whether the fuel injection nozzle is stuck and whether the fuel pipe can enter air.
    5. If it is a gasoline engine, check whether the incineration is normal and whether the oil passage is blocked.
    3、 Cleaning of other common shortcomings
    1. If the central chain box is found to be loose, adjust the distance between the power input shaft of the rotary cultivator and the power output shaft of the main engine gearbox.
    2. If it is found that it is difficult to shift or take the initiative to shift out of gear during operation, most of the reasons are due to the damage of the gear. It only needs to change the gear.
    3. Assuming that the concentrators are incomplete, this is because the free stroke of the concentrator control handle is too large, and it can be handled only by adjusting the length of the concentrator pull rod.
    4. If the V-belt is found to slip, it is mainly caused by too loose V-belt or too much wear of the belt itself. First check whether the V-belt needs to be converted, and then adjust the tightness of the V-belt.
    5. The machine has been used for a long time. The brief problem is that there is noise in the gearbox. This is mainly caused by gear wear or burr, lack of smooth oil or non-conforming quality. Find out the cause and deal with it in time.

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