
Chongqing Dazu mingchuang Agricultural Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd
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"Three senses" identification method of micro cultivator accessories
Source:www.52867.cn Release time:2021/11/13 11:13:27
    Micro tiller is a small power machine for small plots such as greenhouse and countryside. It has the characteristics of small volume, light weight, high efficiency and multiple functions. It is especially suitable for vegetable cultivation in greenhouse. In recent years, the provincial and county agricultural machinery departments have focused on the promotion of micro tillage machines as agricultural machines and tools, and vigorously promoted micro tillage machines through on-site demonstration, free trial, integrating project funds and increasing subsidies.
    In rural areas, the use of micro cultivator is relatively common, and various faults of micro cultivator occur from time to time. In normal maintenance, although meters and instruments can be used to identify the technical status of agricultural machinery parts, agricultural machinery operators can preliminarily judge the faults of agricultural machinery by "three senses" identification of vision, hearing and touch.
    1. Visual identification. It can identify the wear of parts on the surface of micro cultivator and the quality of parts' surface materials. Such as cracks on the cylinder block and cylinder head, fatigue falling off of the surface of gear and flow bearing, annealing blue or pitting after serious burning of fuel injector and exhaust valve, wear and burning of friction materials of clutch and brake, meshing marks of gear pair, light leakage between piston and cylinder sleeve, etc.
    2. Auditory identification. For auditory identification, a small hammer can be used to gently tap the inspection part of metal parts to judge whether there are cracks inside and whether the connection is tight from the sound. Generally, the sound of tight and intact parts is clear and crisp, and the sound of defective parts is turbid and dumb. This method can be used to identify whether the crankshaft and side rod of the micro cultivator have cracks, the combination between the bearing alloy and the body, and whether the rivet connection of the imported pump is firm. In addition, the meshing condition can also be roughly judged from the sound emitted by the running gear set.
    3. Tactile identification. Tactile identification can be shaking by hand, and the gap can be judged by feeling, without measuring with measuring tools. Such as the clearance between valve stem and valve guide, radial and axial clearance of flow bearing, etc.

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