
Chongqing Dazu mingchuang Agricultural Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd
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How to identify fake and shoddy micro tillage machinery and its accessories
Source:www.52867.cn Release time:2021/11/13 11:13:27
    The process of identifying fake and shoddy micro tillage machinery is messy. Users need to be patient and adopt useful methods to buy carefully. Detailed methods can be selected in the following 8 ways.
    1. Look at the quality certificate
    Quality certificates refer to product inspection certificates, operation instructions and three guarantees, provincial and ministerial agricultural machinery promotion permits, etc. Before the normal products leave the factory, the quality inspection department of the consumer enterprise shall suspend the inspection of the products according to the relevant specifications, and the inspection personnel shall issue the certificate of conformity for the qualified products. Some certificates are hung on the machine and some are installed in the random spare parts box. The user should check them carefully.
    2. Look at the nameplate
    The normal products have aluminum product nameplates. The nameplate shall indicate the trademark, type specification, factory number, consumption date, consumer manufacturer, etc.
    3. Look at the operation manual and three guarantees
    The normal products have clearly printed product operation instructions, which are correct and can correctly guide the users to operate, repair and maintain the machine safely. The three guarantee credentials comply with the three guarantee rules of the six ministries and commissions of the state, the three guarantee terms are clear, and there are replacement and return certificates, repair outlets, etc.
    4. Look at safety protection and safety warning signs
    The chain transmission part, cutter shaft assembly part and universal transmission spline shaft of normal track products are provided with robust and reliable protective covers. Standardized and permanent safety warning signs shall be pasted on the parts that simply pose the risk of shearing and extrusion.
    5. Look at the appearance quality
    The covering parts of normal products have been treated with rust prevention, waterproof and corrosion prevention. The paint surface is smooth without flow marks, and the color is evenly different.
    6. Look at the assembly quality
    The welded junction of the normal rail product is average, there is no missing welding, and the frame and housing are free of deformation. When rotating the cutter shaft, it can rotate flexibly without obvious axial movement, clamping stagnation and abnormal noise. It can shift flexibly without missing parts and oil leakage. The rotary tillage knife is firmly fixed on the knife shaft, with different specifications and types. The measured operation width is consistent with the parameters provided in the skill document.
    7. Look at the attached spare parts box
    In the random spare parts box of normal track products, there are packing list, vulnerable parts, certificate of conformity, operation manual, Three Guarantees certificate, etc.
    8. Look at the quality of parts
    The parts of the normal track have good processing quality, high surface roughness and no obvious defects such as cracks, sand holes, slag inclusions and burrs. The appearance of rotary tillage knives is treated with rust prevention and marked with enterprise trademark. The rotary tillage knife with the Agricultural Machinery Extension license of the Ministry of agriculture can be purchased and used by users.

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