
Chongqing Dazu mingchuang Agricultural Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd
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Buy micro cultivator, choose diesel engine or gasoline engine
Source:www.52867.cn Release time:2021/11/13 11:13:27
    Some people buy micro cultivators and only choose diesel, while others only choose gasoline. Is diesel micro cultivators good or gasoline micro cultivators good? Why is the price of diesel micro cultivator higher than that of gasoline micro cultivator? It depends on our actual needs. The diesel micro cultivator has sufficient horsepower and the gasoline micro cultivator has high speed. We should select the corresponding micro cultivator according to what requirements. The price of diesel micro cultivator is higher than that of gasoline micro cultivator because the manufacturing structure of diesel micro cultivator is different from that of gasoline micro cultivator. Gasoline micro cultivator generally uses aluminum alloy raw materials, and diesel micro cultivator is mostly cast iron raw materials. Therefore, the manufacturing cost of diesel micro cultivator is higher than that of gasoline micro cultivator, and the weight is larger than that of gasoline micro cultivator with the same horsepower, Therefore, the price is higher than that of gasoline micro cultivator.
    Diesel micro cultivator is suitable for areas requiring high operation intensity, such as hard soil areas, areas with long continuous operation time, etc; Gasoline micro cultivator is suitable for orchards, vegetable gardens, vegetable greenhouses and other areas with high requirements for simplicity.
    Assuming that the operation requirements of the micro cultivator are not high, it is not necessary to buy a diesel micro cultivator. The gasoline micro cultivator has low noise, lighter body, high speed and cheap price.
    For agricultural machinery, choose diesel engine instead of gasoline engine because it is simple, because in the process of farming, it is impossible to have so fast power to farm the land well without a certain weight. In addition, the structure of the diesel engine is relatively simple compared with the gasoline engine, which depends entirely on compression incineration. The gasoline engine is incineration. In contrast, it has no circuit failure. You know, the problems of the gasoline engine mostly appear on the incineration coil, nozzle and carburetor of the oil circuit, which is very troublesome in repair. Diesel engines, except for poor quality machines, will not have problems as long as they ensure the cleanness of diesel, the normal water cooling and heat dissipation and the smoothness of engine oil.
    In addition, diesel oil is cheaper than gasoline in the market, which is a problem that farmers have to consider. For a 1.3 Mu rice field, when the mud is cultivated into mud at one time, it is first irrigated to moisten the soil, and then directly roll with the cage on the agricultural machine. Diesel engine, high power, less than 6 liters of oil.

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