
Chongqing Dazu mingchuang Agricultural Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd
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Differences between micro cultivator and general pastoral management machine
Source:www.52867.cn Release time:2021/11/13 11:13:27
    The micro cultivator is specially planned for orchard, vegetable field, greenhouse, hilly slope land and small plots (water and dry land) based on the vast hills and mountainous areas, small plots, large elevation difference and inorganic tillage roads in China.
    Powered by small diesel engine or gasoline engine and driven by integral variable speed gearbox or belt concentrator, it has the characteristics of light weight, small volume, simple structure, convenient operation, easy repair, stable and reliable operation, long service life, low fuel consumption and high production power.
    The structure of the micro tiller comprises a frame, an adjustable height handrail, a diesel engine or a gasoline engine, a driving wheel and a tillage tool. Micro tiller has the characteristics of light weight, small volume and simple structure. With the implementation of agricultural machinery purchase subsidy policy for farmers, micro tillage machines have been widely used in agricultural production. It can not only plough and rake fields in dry lands and paddy fields in plains, mountains and hills, but also pump water, generate electricity, spray medicine, spray and other operations with corresponding machines and tools. The micro tillage machine is also convenient for farmers to use and deposit, and saves the trouble that large agricultural machinery cannot enter mountainous fields.
    The micro tiller can climb slopes, cross ridges and have strong ladder. It is widely used for deep rotary tillage, shallow rotary tillage, ploughing, ditching and ridge building in dry lands, paddy fields, orchards, vegetable fields and tobacco fields in plains, mountains and hills.
    Equipped with corresponding machines and tools, it can pump water, generate electricity, spray medicine, spray, harvest, ridge, lay film, drill holes, break grass, harvest roots and stems, re soil, cultivate soil, open deep ditches, apply base fertilizer, weed and break soil, partial cultivate soil, bury grapevines, etc. it can also tow trailers for short-distance transportation. The micro cultivator can run freely in the field, which is convenient for users to use and deposit, It eliminates the trouble that large agricultural machinery cannot enter the mountainous fields. It is a good choice for farmers to replace cattle farming. It is a multi-functional micro tillage machine that can not be comparable to large and medium-sized agricultural machinery. It is a small agricultural machine that has entered the farmers' family's ambition and is deeply loved by a wide range of users.
    The pastoral management machine, also known as the ditching and soil cultivating machine, is a multi-functional pastoral management machine. It is planned to add a set of operation gearbox on the basis of the original micro tillage machine. Because of its complete function and convenient operation. Pastoral management machine is a multi-functional small farmland operation machine. The machine has the characteristics of light weight and multiple functions. The main operation items include deep rotation, spraying, soil restoration, weeding, middle tillage, ditching, ridging, crushing, transportation, ridging and film mulching, rhizome harvest, etc. The whole machine is composed of engine, chassis and supporting work tools, with a total weight of about 90kg. In order to extend the service life of the handling machine; It is necessary for the manipulator to achieve correct application, maintenance and safe operation.
    Due to the long-time operation and the suction of the oil pump, after the sealant is applied to the side cover pad, the remaining sealant simply enters the gearbox. The sealant simply blocks the oil inlet hole of the engine oil, so that the crankshaft and connecting rod can not get useful smoothness. It is necessary to pay attention to the improper management of the engine of the rural management machine and the application of sealant.

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